We All Need To Be Climate Positive

REES Africa
4 min readJul 27, 2022


Climate positivity seems to be the new buzzword in sustainable development as you will most likely come across the phrase in nearly every current sustainability-inclined material. We’ve heard of Net Zero and other words associated with Climate but this time, the focus is on Climate Positive.

There seem to be diverse and maybe confusing definitions of this super word. Don’t worry, you’ll find a simpler definition here:

Encyclopedia Britannica online defines Carbon footprint as the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions associated with all the activities of a person or entity (building, corporation, country, etc.). It means that all our activities as human beings, countries, start-ups, businesses, companies, and or conglomerates and more contribute to the carbon emission of our planet.

Plana. earth says any activity that goes beyond achieving net–zero carbon emission and creates an additional environmental benefit by removing additional carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is climate positive.

According to Greenly. earth, it means that the total CO2 and equivalent (CO2e) emissions of a business entity are below the CO2e released into the atmosphere. These emissions could come from its product, initiative, or total operations which avoid emissions or support significant carbon removals.

Being climate positive is basically, making choices that consciously help to remove excess carbon from the atmosphere.

How to become climate positive


One of the ways to be Climate positive is to ‘Go Green’. Going green means switching from harmful to more environmentally friendly practices.

1. GREEN ENERGY: Green energy refers to energy generated from natural and renewable resources like Sun, Wind, biomass, etc. Climate positive people and entities use green energy.

  • Solar energy: this energy is said to be the cleanest form of energy. It makes use of energy captured from sunlight via solar panels placed either on the ground or on the roof of buildings to generate electricity for individuals, households, businesses, and more. It has been said that an hour of solar power striking the earth can power the globe for one year.
  • Wind Energy: Wind energy is the process by which energy is generated by the use of wind turbines. Most countries like China, Germany, India, and the UK make use of Wind turbines to generate their electricity. It’s also a pure form of energy that does not harm the earth. Wind energy is currently the cheapest form of energy one can afford and it is very sustainable.
  • Biomass Energy: this is a kind of energy generated using organic materials like plants, wood, and waste. Sweden is one of the countries that make use of biomass to generate energy. It was even said at one point that Sweden ran out of waste and had to resort to waste importation from other countries to help in its energy generation.

2. GREEN LIVING: This is also known as sustainable living. It is a term used to define embracing a lifestyle that reduces one’s use of earth resources. It comprises a “Net Zero Living” where people are more conscious of their consumption and emission habits with additional practices that remove carbon from the atmosphere. It ranges from habits such as reducing meat consumption, organic farming, walking, cycling, use of electric vehicles instead of regular vehicles for transportation, etc. Green living is beneficial to us and the earth.

3. RECYCLING: Recycling is defined as the process in which waste is converted into new items and or objects. Pet bottles, nylons, boxes, and many other items can be recycled to — reproduce them or make something else. By recycling waste, we are not only reducing the over-reliance on earth resources, but we are also converting what could have caused harmful devastation to earth into something productive. We need to embrace the recycling culture; there are many creative things you could do with your old plastic bottles.

4. RESPONSIBLE WASTE DISPOSAL: During the last Eid — Id — Kabir, Nigeria, in particular, witnessed torrential rains, flooding, and destruction of properties worth millions to billions of naira, Lagos residents were the most affected. While we can blame the government, we must realise that we have a reasonable share of the blame. Who disposes of the wastes that end up clogging drainages around our homes and major waterways? Who builds the houses, malls, and shopping complexes along waterways? You see, the same people throwing dirt into rain floods still complain when their gutters get clogged and their houses become flooded. We all need to be responsible for the proper disposal of our waste.

Other Things Climate-positive people do;

  1. Minimize use and switch off electrical appliances when not in use.
  2. Embrace green food preservation methods
  3. Use only reusable means of packaging items.
  4. Plant trees
  5. Volunteer for sustainable living causes.
  6. Spread the gospel of sustainable living and climate positivity.

Climate positivity is achievable if you put your mind to it. It begins with a resolution to be climate positive, then adoption of practices, elimination of harmful habits and sensitising others to do the same. We all need to be climate positive!

Author: Ogunshola Taiwo

Photo; Immago



REES Africa
REES Africa

Written by REES Africa

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