REES Africa @ 3!!!
On this day three years ago, REES Africa took the first official step as a platform for millennials to network meaningfully, as well as gain, utilize and hone their varying skills through innovative volunteering for the sake of environmental sustainability in Africa.
Looking through the journey so far, it all feels surreal in a really amazing way. From a step, REES Africa has gone far beyond a thousand miles, and continues to push forward relentlessly. A progress that is not just reflected on the organization as a system, but also on the millennials and individuals who have from time to time devoted themselves to the good cause through REES Africa.
There have been highs and lows, but in the midst of it all it has been mostly a journey of achievements, with lots of milestones set and crossed successfully. For REES Africa, it has been a journey of gratitude, selflessness, upliftment, and impacts revolving around the sustained health of Mother Earth.
Within three years of existence, REES Africa has executed 23 projects across six states, enveloping over 15,000 beneficiaries in rural and urban communities. The impacts so far are without limitation to –
· Electrification of 11 rural communities via REES Lights Africa
· Development of environmentally sustainable business models for diverse startups via REES Business
· Creation of environmental awareness amongst school-aged children via REES Education
· Expansive public enlightenment and inculcation of environmental awareness via REES Campaigns
· Proactive discourse and conceptualization of sustainable environmental solutions via Millennials Engage.
Bound to no limits, REES Africa’s impacts continues to expand to cover more, if not all aspects of the SDGs. This is exemplified in distribution of palliatives and urban outreach during the prevalent COVID-19 pandemic.
The core of the organization — the volunteers — are not left out in the share of impacts from REES Africa. “Volunteering with Rees Africa has helped me grow as an individual, as a member of a team and as a worker,” said Joy Chiadika — a REES Africa volunteer. “I have gained skills such as paying attention to details, installation of mini solar panels, negotiation, effective communication, cross cultural relationship, people management, time management, volunteer management, project management, public relations and public speaking,” she continued.
REES Africa has maintained three solid years of all-round impact, and that’s a whole lot to be grateful and excited for. The founder, Ms. Yetunde Fadeyi took a courageous step three years ago, and today she is super-grateful for that first step. In her words, “I’m so excited about REES Africa’s journey. To everyone that has contributed in every way possible, I say a huge THANK YOU. I did not accomplish this alone, YOU are part of the story and I am eternally grateful to you. God will continually shine light unto your path. Thank you for your immense support.”
As part of REES Africa’s 3rd anniversary appreciation, a social media-based REES Africa Impact Challenge is open to everyone until 30th August, 2020. To contest, participants are expected to record a one minute video explaining how to solve energy poverty in rural areas and tag @reesafrica using hashtags #REESAfrica@3, #REESAfrica, and @REESMillenials.
Stand for Environmental Sustainability: Volunteer with REES Africa
REES Africa is a youth-led NGO, aimed at redefining Africa’s lifestyle mainly through the provision of sustainable energy access in marginalized communities, while simultaneously advocating for environmental sustainability. The organization comprises of millennials who seek for profit solutions and embark on actionable projects that benefits marginalized individuals, groups or communities, and as well tackle challenges that pose a bottleneck to the sustainability of the environment.
Projects organized by REES Africa are also widely acknowledged as a learning ground for volunteers, as they don’t just entrench participation and inclusivity, but also educate volunteers on the go. According to Chidi Mpieri, “One core value here in REES Africa is capacity building. This organization provides its millennials with several opportunities to acquire skills that are required in all spheres of life. I’m glad I’m a beneficiary of these opportunities and I’m proud to say that I’ve used these skills to touch so many lives.”
To mark the organization’s third anniversary, REES Africa is open to the intake of new volunteers. You can join us today via
Be the change! Be a REES Africa millennial!!
Cheers to three years of sustainable impacts!!!